October 2024 Update

October 2024 Update
Wanted to give a quick update into the new product we're building.

A company that gets your family off their phone while they drive. Pretty simple.

What's been amazing about this product has been the testing period. In just over 3 months since using the mobile app + bluetooth device, I've increased the percent locked for my phone while driving (measuring in 7 day increments) from 75% to nearly 90%.

There are massive implications in doing so:
1) You're 23x more likely to get in a car wreck with an unlocked phone. Reducing the phone being unlocked while driving mitigates drastically your opportunity in getting into a car wreck from distracted driving.
2) If you currently have an insurance tool installed in yours or your child's car (that hopefully isn't a gimmick), this will help your insurance rate drop (BTW: insurance companies aren't interested in those dropping THAT much... (another reason why we built Accountable (future...))

One thing great about the product is we built it for reality: we don't track if you're under 6 mph (you can come to a stop sign, red light, etc and get your phone out), you can use bluetooth (hands free) systems like Apple CarPlay to change the song or answer the phone, and you can even use Siri while you drive. But the moment you're driving 6 mph, we're tracking whether your phone is unlocked or locked.

And we're not doing it with the mean-big-brother-stigma-over-the-shoulder-looking-down-on-you but more so the friend who's an encourager.

The only way you're able to view your data with driving with an Accountable Bluetooth Device is by either creating or being a part of a Family Board. This is where you'll see how EVERYONE is doing in the family; figuring out who's actually staying off their phone while they drive. And by everyone, yes, I'm talking to even the parents who don't think this product is for them;)

Which is why the product is called Accountable. Because alone, you can run a mile. But together, we can run the distance. And that distance is always knowing you'll be there for life's biggest moments. There's no platform that comes close to what we're building and where we're going.

We're set to release our version 1 on November 1. Just for the people that know me and are connected with me here, I'll be giving out devices that are typically $39/each completely for FREE for the first 1,000 devices. Message me and I'll be more than happy to give you and your family as many as you need. I'll start sending them out towards the end of the month.

Thanks so much for all the support in advance! I'll follow up at the end of the month with another update as we get closer.

- Zander, Founder of Accountable Driving.
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